I flagged Chelsea (hope I'm spelling that right) down on Chicago and Grand and she was cool enough to let me take her photo, even though she was running late, and I probably seemed like a psycho. I love her bright knit head wrap, boots, and riding pants. Super cute look for winter.
Aw, how awesome! You didn't seem like a psycho in the least! It was a cold slightly misty day and you totally brightened up the rest of my ride. Thanks for posting, and thanks for having a kick ass blog =)
Aw, how awesome! You didn't seem like a psycho in the least! It was a cold slightly misty day and you totally brightened up the rest of my ride. Thanks for posting, and thanks for having a kick ass blog =)
aww shucks, thanks Chelsea! Email me if you want a copy of the photo: mafaw1@gmail.com